Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers
TOTA provides several opportunities to prospective advertisers. Thank you for being a supporter of TOTA!
Please contact Kami Lusson with questions [email protected] TOTA 2024 W9
 TOTA Members receive 20% discount on published advertising rates
Any continuing education course that is advertised on this website must be approved by either the Texas Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA) or the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) with some special exceptions.
Advertising/Sponsorship Options: |
Price: |
Details |
Organization Members and Individual Associates |
Organization Members seek to raise the professional level of occupational therapy practice through participation and support of research, educational programs, and other activities. |
Organization Member: $125/year Individual Associates: $30/year
Career Center |
Advertise available positions to active job seekers. |
Visit Career Center |
Website Sponsorship |
Show them you support TOTA by displaying your logo on our image rotator that displays on every page of our Website. |
$1000 (1 year) |
RevistaOT Quarterly E- Newsletter |
The Revista is our quarterly E-Newsletter. The newsletter is emailed three times a year, January, April, and July to over 25,000 OTs, OTAs, and students in our system. Your ad will include a clickable link to your site.
Know Your Selections! Jump to important selection info before submitting form.
$75: business card
$125: 1/4 page
$200: 1/2 page
$300: full page
TOTA Tidbits (E-Blast) Banner
We communicate with, and update our members and others in our database bi-weekly via e-blast. Your banner ad will appear at the top of every e-blast sent by TOTA during the time period you purchase. The banner ad is a clickable site link that appears as a header on our email blast, TOTA Tidbits. This bi-weekly email communication goes out to over 25,000 occupational therapist contacts!
Know Your Selections! Jump to important selection info before submitting form.
1 - $300 2 - $500 3 - $750 4 - $1000
TOTA Annual Conference |
Our Annual Fall Conference is an opportunity to advertise to the largest gathering of occupational therapy practitioners and students in Texas! Contact [email protected] if interested in sponsoring, exhibiting, or advertising at our next Conference. |
Varies |
RevistaOT Newsletter Ad |
Select from several different advertising options that are featured in our downloadable newsletter publication. Your ad will include a clickable link to your site. |
Choose the publication: |
RevistaOT Newlsetter is comprised of three issues:
- Conference Recap (January) - closes December 15
- OT Month (April) - closes March 15
- Summer Issue (July) - closes June 15
- or select ALL THREE ISSUES to advertise with TOTA all year round!
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Choose Ad Size: |
Full Page (7-1/2"w X 10"h) - $300.00 Inside Front Cover (1st page) - $300.00 Half-page Horizontal (7-1/2”w X 5”h) - $200.00 Half-page Vertical (3-3/4”w X 10”h) - $200.00 Quarter page (3-1/2”w X 4-1/2”h) - $125.00 Business Card (3-1/2”w X 2”h) - $75.00 |
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Submit Artwork: |
Upload ad(s) in high res jpeg, tiff or pdf format with all fonts converted to art. |
TOTA Tidbits Banner Ads* |
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Choose Banner Ad Placement: |
"TOTA Tidbits" is a bi-weekly* email newsletter publication that is distributed to over 20,000 OT contacts. Banner ad placement is featured at the top of the communication and can include a clickable link.
- 1 Publication - $300.00
- 2 Publications (Save 10%) - $500.00
- 3 Publications (Save 15%) - $750.00
- 4 Publications (Save 20%) - $1000.00
*Subject to TOTA publication schedule and availability. Distribution typically occurs on Fridays. |
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Submit Artwork: |
Artwork details: Static 670 x 75 banner ad Resolution of 72 PPI PNG file preferred
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You will be asked to choose your preferred date(s), upload the art file, and provide a clickable link. |