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- TOTA Online Learning
NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS If you would like to serve on any of the open positions, please contact Thelma Ochoa at [email protected] MEETING INFORMATION
Most CE events are free to TOTA members. Non-members, please pay through TOTA LMS. TOTA membership applications will be available at all meetings for all non-members or those in need of membership renewal. Attendees will receive 1 to 2 CE credits at all district and cluster group meetings.
Meetings usually start around 9 AM and occur at least twice a year, focused on networking and CEUs. They usually last about 3 hours, with 2 hours of CEUs and 1 hour of networking and district updates at the break. The majority of meetings have a virtual component, but you must register and sign in to TOTA LMS in order to receive CEUs. For information regarding upcoming workshops, please contact Thelma Ochoa @ [email protected] or visit the calendar. MEETING LOCATIONS Main Location:
Academic Programs located in the Alamo South District